In another post ruggerson asked a great question for the "pro-life" forces: how will we punish those who get/perform abortions?
Here's another thought in that same directon...
A few months back I read an interesting pro-life article on a left wing Catholic website. I'm so so sorry, but I don't remember what site it was. Please take my word for this... Now, the author was definitely opposed to abortion, but the article contained an entirely different argument than I anticipated. It noted that the lowest abortion rates in the world are in Belgium and the Netherlands, where abortion is totally legal. The highest rates of abortion are in Paraguay and Bolivia, where it is completely banned.
From a right wing perspective, this paradox seems impossible. From a left wing perspective, it makes perfect sense. In Belgium and the Netherlands, there is effective sex education, use of birth control, and a strong social safety net to ensure that impoverished mothers and their babies are cared for. In Latin America, desperate and impoverished women have nowhere to turn. They do not have access to birth control, and nobody will help them take care of unwanted children. They feel abortion is their only option.
Thus, the author reached the conclusion that in the "fight against abortion", banning it was not the answer. The solution is to establish education programs and a safety net so that mothers unsure about carrying a pregnancy to term will be confident that everything will be ok.
Now, those of us in the reality based community know that there was abortion in our own country even while it was illegal. Making it against the law will not stop abortion. Evidence demonstrates that the only "cure" for abortion is a strong social safety net and health insurance for at least children and expectant mothers.
Yet these are the very ideas which "pro life" conservatives so passionately oppose. This begs the question...
Are "pro lifers" more interested in actually saving babies, or just punishing adults?