Now we know Karzai is Bush's puppet over there. Is this some kind of propaganda to make it look like everything in Afghanistan is okie dokie? Maybe in Kabul, but I've read outside of the city, there are still separate tribes with their own chiefs, laws, and religious beliefs.
I Wonder if he got the okay from Bush to request this or has power gotten to his head? If it's "power," he better be careful regarding his head and hold onto it. Especially since Afghanistan doesn't even have its own military yet . . . or does it?
(snip)"I don't think there is a big need for military activity in Afghanistan anymore," he told reporters in Kabul. "The nature of the war on terrorism in Afghanistan has changed now.
"No coalition forces should go to Afghan homes without the authorization of the Afghan government. ... The use of air power is something that may not be very effective now."(snip)