can all breathe a sigh of relief at having had James A. Baker III single handedly rescue US elections from the clenched jaws of dirty tricksters like Jim Dyke, election reform charlatans like Thor Hearne, and corporate wise guys from the likes of Diebold.
Oops, Dyke, Hearne, and Diebold were the experts and panelists for the Baker-Carter -blue-blooded, blue-ribbon, blue light special on honor – Commission on Federal Election Reform (or something).
For some reason yet to be determined by any rational creature or even slightly rational mental health professional, Jimmy Carter co-hosted this bullshit extravaganza.
Recently, the Commission birthed out a report to better enhance voter disenfranchisement, err, integrity, which not surprisingly met opposition from the 2+2=4 crowd, darn them, those factualists are always in the way.
After seeing the full map, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), who held Congressional hearings on Ohio’s election irregularities and fueled the effort for the Ohio electoral challenge, issued the following statement Thursday.
“These connections truly are astounding,” Conyers said. “It apparently wasn't enough that Republican officials helped sway the election in favor of Bush—now they've even created a phony voting rights group to combat the real work that progressives are doing to make sure that every vote is counted.”