I was just thinking about a special Hurricane ,"Hurricane Chimp.!"
It would blow into Crawford when the entire family arrives for their next "vacation."
Hurricane Chimp would not touch anyone or destroy anything outside of the Pig Farm.
But it would be interactive, to let the crime family know what one looks like and feels like. Hurricane Chimp would " give them some luv!"
Maybe the high winds would cause Jenna and Baby Babs to end up flying over to the local bar in Utah.
Maybe Condi would end up in a Baptist Church in Alabama with no friends and no shoes on. Maybe some of my Brothers and Sisters would be asked to take her in and they would say, "Sorry, I have to ask FEMA first."
Maybe Big Ass Barb would end up in the Veteran's Cemetery and have to see the new coffins come in.
Maybe Poppy would end up below Ground Zero with Neil so that they could figure out what really happened to the WT building's security that day.
Maybe Cheney and Lynn could end up staying with 5 lovely lesbians and they could get to have compassion for their daughters friends.
Maybe Karl Rove could end up on a Swift Boat with no bottom about two miles from Cuba - perhaps Castro can take him.
What are your thoughts for Hurricane Chimp?