Yesterday I posted is a new one, from the same person... (
her/his posts are in empI posted on my blog
CNN/Gallop Poll, one of the most generous polls out there has shown that Bush’s Approval rating has fallen a whopping 6 points in one week. Last week the CNN/Gallop Poll had Bush at 46% (While the NBC/WSJ Poll had him at 37% and the New York Times/CBS News Poll 41%) now has him at 40%, the lowest point in his “Presidency”
This post is aimed at the lady who has posted on this site with the comment, “I think you're making figures up in your head or too busy watching CNN to get your figures right.”, well this is a CNN/Gallop Poll, there is the link to the NBC/WSJ Poll (By the way, WSJ is very right wing) and there is the link to the NY Times/CBS News Poll. Read it and weep, your president sucks, hell, even Nixon was more loved.
Johnna, take a moment to become educated, not just vomited tripe feed to you by Fox News and the RNC, prove to us all your smarter then that.
So here are some gems From I think the same person Comment from: rob · Edit
Why dont clinton news network aka cnn stop polling those damn stupid liberal dumbacrates. Bush has the best eceonomy in the history of the nation, spending is up on every freeby the loony left want for people that are to lazy to work for a living. The liberal news papers and liberal media are the reason Mr. Bush's approval ratings are low because of the constant Bush bashing. You idiots just cant stand it because we elected Mr. Bush twice so get over it loser. ------------------------
Comment from: rob · Edit
P.S. Your going to lose the next election again so get ready. Your party drove this country in the ground for decades and the people know you koolaid drinkers spin everything. Watch more Fox news they tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Oh never mind YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. So you better stick with the times cause they lie just like you biatch. ---------------------------
Someone posted this Comment from: mike
· Edit
"Bush has the best economy in the history of the nation..." Then why do we have the biggest defficit in all of American history with no surplus?
"Your party drove this country in the ground for decades and the people know you koolaid drinkers spin everything." TWO WORDS: Fox News. Stop being a hypocrit and bitching about this site.
So we get this responce from the right wing nut
Because dumb fu ck we had 911 we had to bail out all the airlines then 2 wars and finally Katrina. So keep drinking that kool aid you left wingger But rest assured Chappaquitic ted and hitlery clinton are on your side.They want to run this country in the ground too with the rest of the left. wise up stop listening to the liberal media and think for your self.