Carter/Baker Report can't face how the GOP stole America's 2004 election & is rigging 2008
by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey WassermanSeptember 20, 2005
The stolen elections of 2000, 2002 and 2004 are nowhere to be found in the milquetoast Carter-Baker Report now passing for wisdom on America's broken electoral system.
And unless the public is ready to face the reality that we no longer live in a nation with credible elections, the 2008 balloting is all but over. As investigative reporters and registered voters living in central Ohio, we witnessed firsthand the outright theft of the 2004 election. We also endured the unwillingness of the Democratic Party to face up to a carefully choreographed "do everything" strategy that gave the presidency to George W. Bush for a second time, and which could make all elections to come virtually moot.
The just-issued report of a special commission headed by former President Jimmy Carter and Bush family consigliore Jim Baker is of little real value.
Much more at: Do try to read the entire article and send it to others, but, more importantly, please join me in calling on Congressman John Conyers to launch his candidacy for President of the United States of America.
And, please urge Skinner to request the DU Activist Group to spread the call for Congressman Conyers to do just that: can force the entire Nation to realize that the 2006 Congressional Election and 2008 National Election are effectively stolen unless sweeping reform is implemented. That is more than enough platform given that without an equitable and verified election process America will remain what it became in 2000, a neoconster fascist oligarchy.