Schwarzenegger is talking about privatizing the energy industry in California, and You can bet he's going to try and help them get out of that 9 billion dollar lawsuit that the state has levied against the company: why hasn't Davis been running ads on this - the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission found last year that these companies used pricing collusion to take the state for a (multi-billion dollar) ride?
The only thing I can think of is that Davis was too wounded in the scandal himself. Now he's stuck with this smear campaign - which is really over-the-top. It doesn't speak well of our party that the people at the top can't come up with something more appealing than s*** like this - bringing Hitler in, for Christ's sake. With this economy, and these right-wing fanatics driving the country to ruin, if we had decent leadership we'd be routing f***ers like Schwarzenegger. Instead, we're stuck sitting around talking about his ass-grabbing. Gray Davis is the kind of guy that needs to be run out of the party, and replaced by a real progressive.