Back From Iraq Support Cindy Sheehan's Antiwar Stance on Video.Google.Com
Antiwar statements from U.S. Soldiers who have served in the Iraq War (OIF) appear online now at Video.Google.Com. Metropole Filmworx LLC choose Video.Google.Com as a distribution method for clips of soldier antiwar videos in order to insure they would be available on demand in time for the September 23, 2005 protest in Washington DC led by Cindy Sheehan.
(PRWEB) September 22, 2005 -- Antiwar statements from US Soldiers who have served in the Iraq War (OIF) appear online now at Video.Google.Com. Metropole Filmworx LLC choose Video.Google.Com as a distribution method for clips of soldier videos in order to insure they would be available on demand in time for the September 23, 2005 protest in Washington DC led by Cindy Sheehan.
Metropole Filmworx LLC has been recording interviews with soldiers who have returned from Iraq since March. The footage collected will be used in their documentary "BACK FROM IRAQ: The Citizen Soldier Speaks". They have posted clips from several interviews online at Video.Google.Com ( in order to make sure that congressional representatives and the general public are aware that Cindy Sheehan speaks for many, many soldiers when she says the War in Iraq must be brought to a swift conclusion.
Nancy Fulton, co-producer of the documentary, reflects on why she chooses Video.Google.Com as a distribution method for these clips. "There's no doubt that we could have posted this content on our own site. But Video.Google.Com is an exceptional distribution choice for content which may draw hundreds or thousands of simultaneous viewers. Furthermore, clips posted on Video.Google.Com display inside the web browser rather than in a Real Media or Quick Time window. Our experience is that in order to make sure other viewers can play a clip; we often have to post several versions of the file in multiple file formats and resolutions. We like being able to post a single version of the file with the absolute confidence that anyone who installs the Google Video Viewer will be able to watch it with a single click."
In one clip, Marine Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey (ret'd) describes the killing of more than twenty unarmed protesters in the first days after the initial assault on Iraq, and the subsequent killing of many more unarmed Iraqi's at a military check point. Jimmy Massey, previously a Parris Island Trainer and Recruiter for the US Marine Corp. describes how, when he told his commanding officer "Today's been a bad day sir, we've killed a lot of civilians," his commanding officer responded "No, today is a good day." Massey adds, "When he said that I realized I was in the wrong place. Maybe I wasn't cut out for the Marine Corp."