I guess he just wanted to give the appearance of a good dog and pony show before he votes to confirm the asshole.
Anyone have any ideas who or what he gained when he sold out his vote?
Dear xxxxx,
President Bush has made his choice for the Supreme Court: John G. Roberts, Jr., a federal appeals court judge for the District of Columbia. Now the Senate, keeping faith with its constitutional duty, must carefully and thoroughly review that choice. My Democratic colleagues and I pledge to do just that -- the importance of this moment demands no less.
The American people deserve a justice who understands and respects the views of all the people of this great nation. The Supreme Court belongs to all Americans, including the 49 percent who made a different choice for President. Now that a nominee has been chosen, the debate begins on whether Judge Roberts will be such a jurist. We all have a stake in this process -- and a responsibility to evaluate this nomination on the basis of the facts and the issues of vital importance to ordinary Americans everywhere.
Hearings will begin soon, so we have to use this time to prepare. This new justice will move and shape the Court for years -- and maybe for decades -- to come, with tremendous consequences for all Americans. Our country needs a justice who will unite Americans, not divide us. Sign the petition -- let the Senate know that we want a justice for all, not a rubber stamp.
http://www.democracyforamerica.com/norubberstampsSupreme Court justices hold their jobs for life. Their rulings profoundly impact civil rights, employment laws, environmental safeguards and reproductive freedoms -- and resonate for generations. Given these stakes, every American has a duty to participate in this all-important debate. Do your part, sign the petition and pass it along to your friends, family, and colleagues to do so as well.
http://www.democracyforamerica.com/norubberstampsI will continue to speak with you as the debate unfolds in the coming weeks.
Our country needs a justice who respects the values of everyone. By working together, the Senate -- and all Americans - can help ensure that any confirmed nominee meets that standard.
Thank you,
Patrick Leahy
Ranking Democratic Member, Senate Judiciary Committee