...there is a PR blitzkreig in opposition to it.
Let's cut to the chase, folks. Bush created a mammoth new Federal Agency, the Department of Homeland Security. FEMA is part of it. It was created during a time when its creators feared a "dirty bomb" or a suitcase nuke or a major biological attack on a major US city. It cost hundreds of billions of dollars to create. When created it had the purpose of preventing and promptly RESPONDING to major attacks.
FOX news, Hannity and Rush can (and will) blame the mayor, the governor, and any democrats they find within a thousand miles. They can blame welfare and Clinton and play the blame game however they like. Lots of big cities have crummy mayors, lots of States have crummy governors. DHS should have accounted for this.
The bottom line is that this mammoth agency failed to promptly respond when Americans were in need. The Republicans promised it would respond, and it failed. They promised prompt response and did not deliver.
This is a Bush failure. This is a Republican failure. This is a broken promise.
Blaming the mayor and the governor is an admission of failure.