Not too popular with the troops, contrary to what one might believe.
To the letter writer: Rather than getting your information from Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, I suggest putting the remote down, turning off the radio, and using a little common sense. The truth is out there, you just have to read it.
Sgt. Chad H. Pollitt
Logistics Support Area Anaconda, Iraq Limbaugh off AFN
Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict, and a rich one at that. He should be treated just like our young troops – get caught once and you’re out. Limbaugh is some role model for our armed forces. He should be taken off AFN. That’s what we call zero tolerance. Limbaugh should take his own advice and go to jail.
Alexander J. Fiore
Camp Darby, Italy sciences. As every good conservative knows, the universe was created on April 23, 6004 B.C. at 9:23 a.m. Central Standard Time by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh. Everything was perfectly constructed and therefore there is no need for the liberal concept of “evilution.” Other liberal notions to be removed from the classroom will include gravity, the heliocentric solar system (the absurd idea that the Earth goes around the sun — a heresy for which liberal propagandists Galileo and Copernicus were rightly condemned - and the concept of the “round Earth.” Limbaugh change?
I hope Rush Limbaugh will be able to overcome his drug addiction. Anyone hooked on OxyContin deserves all of our support and compassion. Speaking of compassion, how will this difficult experience change Limbaugh? Will he stop calling certain liberals “drug-infested maggots”?
It’s a darned good thing that Limbaugh is a wealthy, powerful, middle-aged white guy. Imagine what nasty little jail cell he’d be sitting in if he were a young servicemember or a member of a minority group.
On his Web site a few weeks ago, Limbaugh questioned the patriotism of retired Gen. Wesley Clark. Will Limbaugh apologize to him? Surely Gen. Clark deserves better. He was seriously wounded as a combat infantry leader in Vietnam and awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star for valor. Maybe if Limbaugh had answered the call to serve, he’d understand this.
But hey, that’s ancient history, and this is Limbaugh’s chance to switch to a kinder, gentler message. Over the past 20 years, Limbaugh has done a superb job of telling Americans how to hate and who to hate. Imagine how much better the world would be if Limbaugh shared with Americans a message of love and understanding. I’m sure the “flush Rush” crowd doubts that Limbaugh can be a changed man. How about proving them wrong?
John McDowell
Sembach, Germany
Remove Limbaugh show
This letter isn’t about radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who recently said that all drug addicts should be put in the same jail cells as drug pushers. This is about AFN’s decision to continue broadcasting Limbaugh’s show. This show has no place on AFN. It provides no service to our servicemembers. It’s just political propaganda at its worst. The entire show is nothing more than continuous, vicious attacks against one of America’s prominent political parties.
How could the Department of Defense approve this show for AFN? Is the DOD championing one political party over another for its servicemembers? Will unit voting assistance officers start pushing the same political party that AFN pushes with the Limbaugh show? The Defense Media Center, which oversees AFN, claims it’s just giving the public what it wants.
The Limbaugh show may be fine in the U.S., where the public can choose between hundreds of English language news programs. That’s freedom of choice. But for servicemembers in different parts of the world, AFN may be all they get. That makes the Limbaugh show forced political propaganda sanctioned by the DOD.
Here’s an example: A soldier pulls 15 hours of combat duty and maybe gets five hours of sleep. He decides to listen to AFN news. Then he hears someone telling him how stupid he is for belonging to a particular political party. Anyone who’s heard the Limbaugh program can’t deny that this is the type of abuse he inflicts on anyone who doesn’t agree with his political views. At least the so-called left-leaning National Public Radio and right-leaning Fox News provide a wide range of daily new coverage of world events.
The Limbaugh show is nonstop political brainwashing. How can we ask our soldiers to put their lives on the line and teach others the benefits of free elections, removed from the coercion of powerful militaries, when our military is using a show like Limbaugh’s to coerce its own people? With an election year coming up, let’s hope our leaders set the correct example and remove this show.
James Carrethers
Heidelberg, Germany leadership?
What an “Alice in Wonderland” country we live in, when — if you have a combat record, served your country honorably and sustained wounds/received medals to prove it (as did John Kerry, Max Cleland and John McCain) — you are subject to dirty tricks and a political smear campaign spearheaded by those who claim to hold “unity,” “family values” and “love of country” in high esteem.
Conversely, you are considered a “strong leader” if you chose not to serve when called upon and have no war record, but rather opted for the “campaign tour,” missing a year of duty in the Air National Guard during a time of war, as did President Bush.
Vice President Dick Cheney’s five deferments during the Vietnam War (his “expectant parent” deferment having been created especially for him) are likewise considered “strong leadership” traits as are the deferments of Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, John Ashcroft, Saxby “bad knees” Chambliss, Tom Delay, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh.
But, oh, how they love to bang the “bring ’em on” war drums, as long as somebody else does the fighting.
Does America wish to imply that it’s better not to serve at all? If so, then something is terribly wrong with how we define honor, courage, leadership and commitment to our country.
Edwin Thornburg
Würzburg, Germany