There is nothing left. Every sngle program for the direct general welfare of the people is projected to be cut,except, of course, defense spending.
The money can only come from debt, or the government is going to have to cut into the bone of the American people in the here and now (rather than defer it to the future).
We spend toomuch on defense,and alot of thatmoney is notspent on the troops. We should place a moratorium on weapons development (other than emergent, purely defensive needs). No more big government contracts to the big military contractors. However, NO cuts are allowed for personnel. We need to get off of this corporate welfare through defense spending.
Of course, cut the taxes for the rich. In fact, I am a strong proponent of salary caps. No CEO is allowed to make more than 20 times what the janitor makes. All personal liquid assets that exceed 100 million dollars are taxed 100% for wealth redistribution. Enough of the rich using their money to equal votes and getting richer and richer and richer. We need to rebuild the middle class because our domestic market will eventualy collapse without them. All of these things I know are unrealistic, but I sincerely think this is what we need. If we do not achieve some kind of wealth redistribution soon, we will eventually have civil unrest.
We also need to properly tax our corporations. I don't want any stories of major companies that pay a few thousand bucks every year for their taxes. They reap the benefits of this market and they trade on our stock exchange. You want to play, you got to pay.
We need to end this war in Iraq....NOW! There is no reason to stay. Our presence there has fomented a civil war that we cannot stop, and no amount of poking guns in people's faces will change that. As it is, we lose money and soldiers in this venture, and we are presently installing a government that at best will be under Islamic law and allied with Iran and at worst will collapse and be replaced by a hostile regime of Baathists or terrorists....or the new creation...Baathist terrorists. We screwed it up, and our money and blood is going down the shithole with no end in sight. Someone needs to stand up to the "stay the course" crowd and make them prove that we can have any effect on stability there. Our soldiers' lives and now the future welfare of our people are at stake.
Lastly, we need to move to alternative fuels because our energy infrastructure is in hurricane alley, we can't afford imperialistic wars over oil, and our environment has become an oven set to "force 5" temperature for the gulf, if you know what I mean.