now the administration is "floating the balloon" of talk about doing away with minimum wages for service industries during this national crisis. Anyone think the wage cuts will stop at these two segments of workers? I don't.
At a time when people need the most reasonable and fairest wages possible so that they can begin to rebuild their lives this bunch of repungents have wiped out any wage guarantees for construction workers. They are now going after the service workers.
On Leslie's Situation Room tonight they were discussing that no bid contracts for debris removal are going to "Friends of the Katrina Administration (FKA, my term)" for $30.00 per cubic something or another while the contractors are allowed to pay as little as $6.00 per cubic something or another (I forget cubic foot, cubic ton, whatever) for the actual performing of the service. And they still think that is too much and feel wage support legislation should be eased (read that as gone) during this re-building. The FKAs already get to pocket astounding four times as much profit as the little guy who has to do the dirty work. I would think any person who has to work for a living - union or not - would be pissed to the max about this. Doesn't this have the possible effect of seeing wages spiraling downward due to lack of any government restrictions?
The freepers will quietly sit by and let this bunch of "morans" take away every right granted by the Constitution (well, except their guns) until they finally get the picture that their wages are going to be cut along with everyone else's. Then you might see them work up a little outrage.
European countries seem to have the ability to call out millions of people in labor protests. Isn't it about time for huge, organized, protracted protests that brings this country to a complete stand still until this nonsense is stopped. No teachers, no nurses, truck drivers, contractors, service workers - everybody who has to work for living needs to walk out and stay out.
Would it hurt - you betcha, but can we really afford to let things continue down this path?