Israel and the US blame Syria for its "terrorist training ground."
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Mon Oct-06-03 11:20 PM
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Israel and the US blame Syria for its "terrorist training ground." |
Christ, these guys aren't training to be Green Berets or Navy Seals. All they have to know is how to blow themselves up. Do you really think they have to go to Syria to do that? I could teach them in a one paragraph manual.
1. Wrap a lot of explosives with a detonator around your body with duct tape. 2. Wear a loose coat to hide the bulge. 3. go to a crowded area and activate the detonator.
Israeli photos showed a lot of pictures of small arms that appear to be in an armory of some type to justify their raid. Those are weapons used to fight battles, not for acts of terrorism. The photos shown are probably from the Syrian army or National Guard. The ragtag bunch of so called terrorists aren't going to go head to head with a bunch of rifles against the might of the US army.
We're also hitting "training grounds" in Afghanistan. There at least someone might learn to load and fire a Kalishnikov. That might take a 1/2 hr training session. They don't need a Fort Bragg type facility for that.
"Training ground" is sort of all encompassing and can be used to justify any first strike. One man's terrorist might be another man's freedom fighter.
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Mon Oct-06-03 11:45 PM
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1. This terrorism thing is getting out of hand |
It seems to be the sole justification for attacking anyone these days...
Jeez could anyone imagine if this was a legitimate reason by say the USSR in riding tanks into Hungary or Japan going into Manchuria or Mussolini attacking Ethopia...
Essentially reducing legitimate political expression to 'criminality' in order to ignore it.
One of the features of fascism is the surrounding 'cult of violence' and the will to power while at the same time denigrating weakness and compassion
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Mon Oct-06-03 11:57 PM
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which is why I think he knew ahead of time what was going to take place, and he did let it happen. He's been milking that tragedy since the day it happened, and now the Israelis are using it as well.
Rule by fear.
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Tue Oct-07-03 12:16 AM
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3. I was thinking more of the phrasing... |
I mean the simplistic notion that 'terrorism' explains war rationale.
Clinton actually bombed more countries than Bush has...and he framed it the same way....taking out 'terrorists' and 'terrorist bases'.
Basically it is the essense of American foreign policy--the big problem with Israel is that they might just simply 'call' the US on it.
The US is kinda out on a limb with this and that is probably why the Soviets are gearing up for another 'weapons' build-up--no doubt China is doing the same thing...EU nations would be remiss in not defending themselves as well...
Sooner or later someone will issue an ultimatium
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Tue Oct-07-03 01:54 AM
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5. "Sooner or later someone will issue an ultimatium" |
That does seem to be our destiny in the power grab we're seeing.
I watched the documentary "Day After Trinity" the other day, about the building of the first atomic bomb, featuring commentary from the physicists who worked on the Manhattan Project. They had a lot of misgivings, which came across as gross rationalizations for something horrible they'd created.
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Tue Oct-07-03 12:32 AM
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Wasn't that the excuse Hitler had for attacking poland? Wasn't there a staged attack on a german radio station made to look as if it was done by the Poles? Wasn't this Hitler's pretext?
If so... Then We and the Israelis are learning from the nazis
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Tue Oct-07-03 03:19 AM
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6. Israel will be a casualty of History . The clock is ticking...... |
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Sun Nov 03rd 2024, 07:31 AM
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