I just got an email from GeorgeWBush.com, with a big headline about finding "WMD Programs Activities". LOL. Not weapons. Not even weapons programs. But "weapons programs activities."
If you aren't on the GW mailing list, it's a hoot. The second paragraph is about how Dick Cheney reports that the economy is improving.
There are also quotes from Democrats who appear to support the administration's stance in Iraq, including 2(!) from Georgia's Jim Marshall. The quotes are under the heading "Democrats in Support of a Free Iraq", implying, of course, that the rest of us Dems want Saddam back.
But the best part of all is the link to the photo gallery. I think you can get there from the main campaign site, GeorgeWBush.com. The pictures are arranged into categories, including one called "Compassion", a set of photos implying that George Bush is compassionate because he gets his picture taken with African-American children. I don't even want to look at the pictures under "Environment", I might die laughing.