The wide plasma screens in millions of American living rooms show soothing and calming vistas of nature's wonders - at least as they were known in the late 20th century and for a few years thereafter. Vast green forests, clean rivers and maginficent waterfalls drift slowly across America's on-tel comscreens. Brahms' symphonies provide a calming backgroung of hypnotic melodies.
As the music fades, a confident male voice, constructed from old Walter Cronkite samples, provides an authoritative voice-over.
February 12, 2018 - Welcome American patriots, to this evening's national on-tel assembly broadcast. Your president has expressed his very heartfelt desire that all patriotic Americans, be congratulated on their dedication to our important national goals as expressed through the leadership of our national PNAC/Republican party. Your sacrifice and enduring battle with the forces of economic hardship are a true inspiration for all.
The president also wishes to advise all citizens of the following important focus-meme, which, by presidential decree, shall be designated as (prime-focus-meme) 433 throughout the coming week - and shall be accorded all due consideration by you - America's true patriots.
PFM433 - The Apprehension of Destructive Elements
Your government has recieved numerous reports lately that there are several thousand anti-government, liberal terrorists scattered throughout our great nation who have yet to be apprehended. Our president wishes to remind all patriotic Americans that it is your duty, as confirmed by God's word in our holy Bible, to turn these criminals over to your local Home Protection Agency official. The sooner the last of these deviants and misfits are eliminated from our society - the sooner we will all be safe from their immoral, secular ways. Remember, even liberals who were once considered friends or relatives must be removed for the good of the nation. Do your part.
We have all learned of the terrible economic calamity that befell our nation at the beginning of this century - brought on by the unjust burdens of regulation and heavy taxation of the wealthy - who after all, are the providers of all our material benefits. It is hard to understand how so many could have believed that material wealth could somehow be created by the people alone - without the guidance of corporate hegemony. As you know those burdens were placed on our great American corporations and their owners by liberal travellers of the left, led by the infamous womanizer and anti-Christ William Jefferson Clinton. They had attained great numbers and lived amongst the faithful throughout our nation in the waning days of the twentieth century.
Fortunately, one of our first true PNAC/Republican leaders, Dick Cheney, building on the framework established by the wise political pioneer Newt Gingrich, recognized the grave danger that faced our nation. He unselfishly set aside his highly skilled industrial management duties and worked tirelessly, despite his weak heart, to set our nation back on it's rightful path. Working through party loyalists and popular figures of the time he swept away the arbitrary and unfair rules and unjust taxes that the liberals had placed in the path of our great nation's progress. To our lasting benefit he and the esteemed Carl Rove managed to wrest control of our nation from the forces of secular evil.
Even though the Scourge of 2006 that followed our Great Reformist Revolution saw the elimination of millions of sub-human liberal criminals from our midst, some were unfortunately not apprehended. Due to their sheer numbers prior to The Scourge, even our highly effective anti-crime programs with the best high-technology weapons of their day, were bound to miss a few.
All the more reason to double our efforts during the coming week. Our president requests that we find and eliminate any remaining liberal terrorists from our midst - so our nation can recieve the fullest of God's blessing and so that He can deliver us from this punishment of "liberal famine" that has plagued our nation since the Revolution.
Do not try to apprehend these dangerous terrorists yourself. They are armed. Simply contact your local Home Protection Office for further instructions. Especially, do not listen to them. They are trained to seduce you with their false words and "Slick Willy" tricks and many true patriots have been taken from us by these methods. Remember, if you listen - the terrorists win.
To show our government's appreciation for your bravery and dedication, our beloved president has authorized awards for those who turn in liberals. Any American patriot who provides information that leads to the arrest of a liberal criminal during the following week shall recieve the presidential "Great American Patriot" award. In addition, anyone who provides information on two or more liberal criminals that leads to their arrest - shall recieve a double "Patriotic American Family" food ration allotment for the following two week period.
Our president urges all true patriotic Americans to continue their heroic struggle. He personally wants each and every patriot to know that due to the benificent freeing of the corporations from their dual burdens of taxation and regulation - all official economic indicators now show that relief is coming. The hard work and forbearance of all American patriots are now needed more than ever to assure our coming deliverance from these hardships in the coming months and years.
With your courage and dedication we will prove to the world once and for all, the divine truth and beauty of a corporate based, regulation-free society that rewards corporate leaders of industry and creators of investment wealth with tax donations from grateful citizen workers.
From our esteemed PNAC/Republican president, God Bless.