on Comparing Katrina to Terrorism
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Thu Sep-22-05 05:41 AM
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on Comparing Katrina to Terrorism |
yeah, ok -- I can see the similarities
Terrorists use Weapons of mass destruction Hurricanes use Winds of mass destruction
"no one anticipated 2 planes hitting the World Trade Towers" "no one anticipated levees breaking"
September 11 occured 9 months after bush* was inaugurated (+/- few days) Katrina hit 9 months after bush* was inaugurated (+/- few days)
bush* wasn't in DC on 9/11 bush* wasn't in DC on 8/29
after 9/11 - bush* stood on a pile of rubble after Katrina - bush* stood on a floating pile of rubble
after 9/11 - bush* balked at investigation (later relented) After Katrina - bush* balks at investigation
after 9/11 - FBI director resigns after Katrina - FEMA director resigns
after 9/11 - fundies blame gays after katrina - fundies blame gays
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