They're right-wing authoritarians who want their own form of big government. Just because they don't want some social programs and taxes has NOTHING to do with small government. It's a freeptard illusion. Shall I?
1. Pre-emptive war and Empire -- VERY BIG GOVERNMENT, in terms of not only cost, but influence.
2. Medicare give-a-way -- turning feel-good programs with broad public support into corpo-fascist trough.
3. Trickle down/war economy -- big-government social engineering program to create the illusion of economic growth.
4. War on Drugs/Police State
5. War on Pornography
6. The FCC and obscenity fines.
7. Prohibiting consumers from buying drugs from Canada -- BIGGER THAN WACO -- Bush sends Federales to Florida to bust up storefronts helping seniors to get drugs from Canada -- thus limiting consumer choice. VERY ANTI-FREE MARKET MOVE.
8. CEOS/shareholders/stakeholders in large corporations writing energy, health policy behind closed doors. Exec branch appeals to Supreme Court to keep big government opaque.
9. Red state military and pork projects -- re-distributed money from blue states to buy Republican voters, on behalf of your big, authoritarian government.
10. Patriot Act -- guts 5 amendments in the Bill of Rights.
11. Huge deficit spending (much of which is being shoveled into the pig jowls of Cheney/Bush buddies, or being handed out the back of a truck to the Mossad, in Iraq).
12. Involvement in the death of Terry Schaivo -- Republican jokesters in congress interfere in a personal/state matter.
13. Unprecedented closed government -- the BIG, RIGHT-WING AUTHORITARIAN SECRET GOVERNMENT -- and their attempts to classify anything tangentially related to the "war on terror," including corpo-fascist pork handouts, info on who hit us on 9-11, and what torture is being executed in our name.
14. FEDERAL tax dollars to promote the cultural institution of marraige. (Supremacy)
15. Support of interpreting ninth amendment as "tradition-bound," meaning invoking federal powers to perpetuate conservative social institutions.
16. Anti-Flag burning amendment prohibiting exercise of free speech, and promoting lockstep idolatry of patriotic/nationalistic symbols.
I could go on -- but hopefully any lurking freeper who's read this has already but a gun in his mouth, by now.