This year's powerful storms have done a number on the population centers of the coastal areas, and the end-result could be that those states will see a smaller population in poverty.. (the long-term, old-school poverty)..
Extremely poor people can be, and are "poor" everywhere. These storms have probably devastated the badly-maintained places that they could afford, and in their destruction,eliminated any future home for the displaced to ever return to.
The very wealthy can rebuild anywhere they choose, and can afford to absorb the wallops that Mother Nature hands out from time to time. The middle class often get help (especially in election years),. and they most likely will rebuild too...but
The very poor tend to bob on top of the poverty wave, and are tossed from location to location, with very few belongings, and can be "poor" just about anywhere.
If you are a single Mom with 4 kids, living in a subsidized apartment, and are on assistance, wherever you end up is likely to be "your new hometown".
People may still have ties to the old location, but without enough of a nestegg or income to move back, they are pretty much stuck where they are..
Anyone who believes that the government is going to build housing for the poor, so they can move back to wherever they were before..is dreaming.
These people are Hot-potatoes, and are tossed from place to place..No one wants to claim them long-term.
Humans do not learn from their tough lessons,so I have no doubt that the affected coastlines will build houses, businesses, casinos, and hotels right back where Katrina and Rita took them out, and in the future we will see them scrubbed off their foundations again.
The poorest of the poor will get that bus ride to "somewhere else", and most will be thankful to be alive, and settle wherever they end up. They have become just another unfunded mandate to the receiving city/town/county/state.
*² loves to talk about the poor now, because he dropped the ball bigtime, but after a few months, they will be forgotten, and back to life as they have always known it.. They will be scraping by on pennies in the richest country on earth (or are we still rich?? who knows?)