Basically, it is too late. Bush showed his true colors.
But beyond that, here is why all the calculations in the world can't save BushCo; they're claiming they are better prepared now, but also claim they had trucks loaded in advance of the last storm. Being prepared wasn't the answer. Being knowledgeble and competent was/is. They'll already shot their wad on that one. Rita will clobber TEXAS. Home state to DeLay, BushCo, Rove, et al. The more they do to try to show they're on top of this situation, the more it will look like they favored their homies over the poor black democrats.
If they do nothing in Texas, big trouble. However, if they do anything beyond the minimal necessary, it will appear that they care more about their home state and constituency than they did about the poor black citizens of NO. BushCo's efforts will come off as pandering, ass covering, pork-barreling, all sorts of things that won't sit well with a beleaguered population.
Waking up and paying attention after you've alread driven the car off the road and into the ditch will hardly instill confidence in your passengers.