Just wanted to share this and see what people thought.In my view, deposing Saddam was the right thing to do, even if there were no weapons of mass destruction (as I now don't think there were).
See my post here for the play by play on Bush's State of the Union address. He was basically lying by omission the whole time he talked about Iraq. If the UN were more effective, though, I think it could get rid of more dictators like Milosevic and Hussein. In that sense, the war was right.
Where Bush went way, way wrong was once the bombs stopped falling. The right thing to do would have been to give up control to the international community, while keeping our troops there as long as the UN needed them. Bush has done the exact opposite. Instead of inviting the UN to take the lead, and showing some humility, Bush has kept tight control, lined up sweetheart deals for US companies, and then demanded the UN simply fall in behind his lead! Bush fails to realize that just like himself, the other world leaders want to save face, too. Both sides have to give something to reach a comprise. Bush refuses to do so.
If our just cause was to liberate Iraq, that just cause does not extend to controlling Iraq after the war. The American people sense this, but it is getting lost in the public debate. The anti-war, pro-war contruct is still being used six months after Baghdad fell. The next layer down, "What about the post-war?" just gets lost in the shuffle. The future of Iraq is for the people of Iraq to decide, but we can not simply "Bring the troops home" and leave the gangsters and criminals to rule Iraq. We need to build a government with credibility, and a US puppet will have none. If we don't give up control to the UN soon, we risk failing what could have been a perfectly righteous cause.