After New Orleans was flooded and while Bush was still on vacation and unresponsive, I made a post here about what a real president would be doing.
Now Bush is screwing it up again. Apparantly, press conferences about Iraq and Terrorism are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT thand DOING anything about Rita. Apparently PREPARING for PHOTO-OPS are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than DOING anything about the impending disaster.
In addition to the things I posted before about Katrina (here: NOTE: don't know why the topic isn't there anymore... admins can you help locate it? It was on Aug 30), Bush could be doing the following:
What is the Bush administration doing to give American's confidence that they can handle the Rita Hurricane disaster any better than they did the Katrina Disaster? PARADING THIS INCOMPENT SORRY-ASS EXCUSE FOR A PRESIDENT FROM PHOTO-OP TO PHOTO-OP!
The Americans in the Houston area are panicking on getting out in time. Traffic jams are a huge problem. Airlines (who are bankrupt) can't process the load. Our President, our administration COULD BE bussing people to nearby air-bases and flying them out on C-130's. ARE THEY? No. Photo-ops are apparently more important.
Americans know that about 30% of the gas refineries are about to shut down. People are getting real worried about availability of $5/gallon gas. Our President, our administration COULD BE announcing that they will fix a PRICE LIMIT on gas not to exceed $4/gallon and will accept (and subsidize) fuel from donor nations. ARE THEY DOING THIS? NO. PHOTO-OPS ARE MORE IMPORTANT.