Here's a list of schmucks, dumbasses and morons on the RW. . .let's give them nicknames. . .code names only DUers use.
We have Bush (too numerous to mention), Cheney (Crashcart), Rove (Turd Blossom), Asscroft <Crisco Kid> (I can't say hs name. . .it's either Asscroft or Ash-hole), Santorum (Fecal Matter), Limbaugh (too many to mention), etc.
Here's my list:
Rice: Dr. Gap (for her teeth) Thomas: The Black Hole Scalia: Justice Gang bang Frist: Quack in Chief McConnell: Senator Double-chin DeLay: Dracula Rumsfeld: Igor Roberts: Justice Who? Huckabee: Igloo Boy Jeb Bush: H.I.T. (Hitler in Training) Gillespie: Mr. Used Car Mehlman: Boy Blunder Robertson: Demon Spawn Falwell: Fartswell Barbara Bush: Bush Family Battle Axe Poppy Bush: President Vomit Bloomberg: Mayor Oops Pataki: D'Amato's Bitch McCain: The Flag (goes whichever direction the wind blows) Hannity: Rush's Love Child Savage: Freeper's G-d. McCellan: Ari-Lite.
Please help make more.