Spending my birthday in D.C. Some ideas on presents for me...
I have a much work to do in the next few hours to get ready for my road trip up to the capital of my nation, Washington D.C. - to stand before the White House and let the man who claims the office de facto know that I am one of many Americans who see through his lies and manipulations and those of his cronies - so I don't know if I'll get to check Democratic Underground again before we leave tomorrow. Not sure what will happen when we march to the White House, but I am expecting the best. We are competing with Rita, and in their desperation, this administration might try anything, but I did not get to go to Crawford, I have not been able to go to help the animals at the Gulf coast, so this is the least I find I can do, while having a larger class load than I ever had before. And I do not think that this will be the last we have to gather there.
I just want to say to anyone viewing this, I am 42 years old, a college professor about to be 43 on Sunday, and I have never seen such a mess as my country is in today, so for my birthday I would like to ask for four things in particular, in addition to the communication of the message that the scam that has been the Iraq occupation needs to end:
- First and foremost, to see the removal from the White House of the worst president in U.S. history, as well, the people and ideology who helped placed him there.
- To have Democratic party leaders on the streets with me.
- To gain the release of the remaining Abu Ghraib photographs videos, photographs and information released to the media.
- And, lastly, probably the only one I will actually get (at least any time soon), to meet with my fellow DUers, none of whom I have actually ever met in person, and have some good conversation and camaraderie (and food, too!
- Oh, wait. Also, whirled peas. O.K. Five. I'm greedy.
On to the city established of the hopes and ideals and reason of Washington, Franklin and Jefferson. To the city where Martin Luther King called for the fulfillment of the promises of the great experiment. The city where the suffragettes chained themselves to the fences in 1917. The city where the Bonus Army veterans went to demand fair treatment from their elected representatives. On to D.C.
See you there.