They'll send some low-level, physically unattractive male functionary into a room with about four reporters in it. One from the Washington Whore Times, one from the New York Whore Post, one from Faux News, and Ann Coulter. Okay, three media whores and someone who's not even a real blonde. No television cameras or tape recorders will be in the room. The lights will be set to a low level to discourage existing-light photography, and the functionary's oily skin will discourage flash photography.
The functionary will begin:
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are here to report our findings in the Wilson Affair.
(dropping voice to near whisper and cadence to doubletime) "We have determined that President Bush and Vice President Cheney had called six reporters to inform them of the organizational ties of Valerie Plame to the United States Government, and that Karl Rove had provided this information to syndicated columnist Robert Novak.
"We have also determined that (raises voice to excited level) The War In Iraq Is Going Exactly According To Plan. Our Heroes Have Succeeded In All They Have Attempted And You Are a Lousy Unpatriotic Commie To Doubt Them.
'Further {voice to loud shout) California is about to gain a great American as governor when the spendthrift Gray Davis is turned out into the street and Arnold Schwarzenegger takes the helm of America's largest state.
"Thank you. That concludes our briefing. No questions will be accepted."