Did anyone hear Donald Trump on O'Reilly accuse Bush of incompetence?
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Thu Sep-22-05 07:21 PM
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Did anyone hear Donald Trump on O'Reilly accuse Bush of incompetence? |
I know the shoot out between Donahue and O'Reilly has received a lot of attention but just before that Donald Trump nailed Bush several times on his handling of Katrina (hiring Brown) and for letting the Oil Companies and Saudi Arabia kick us around on Oil Prices.
Trump clearly was not impressed with Bush's competence on ANYTHING!!!
Then Donahue moped the floor with O'Reilly which was AMAZING!!!!! Luckily I was in a Hotel last night because I don't get Cable at home. I picked a great night to click on FOX news! Great entertainment!
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Thu Sep-22-05 07:27 PM
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I used to not be able to stand him. But I've noticed that despite all the bluster and ego, he remains true to his Dem roots.
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Thu Sep-22-05 07:27 PM
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I'm not a fan of reality TV, but I'd tune in to watch The Donald tell The Shrub that he's fired! :D
xray s
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Thu Sep-22-05 07:27 PM
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3. Trump knows Bush screwed up on 9/11 |
I don't think Trump likes people who are born with a silver foot in their mouths.
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Thu Sep-22-05 07:52 PM
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4. "I'd just tell them to turn on those spigots" |
Nobody with a brain believed it. The public doesn't remember. No one has the guts to run information ads with that quote from the 2000 debates.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:22 PM
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