She posted a reply. But it was b.s. again.
I'm stumped.
Here's the first "rant" ---
there's a thread about the Pledge of Allegiance and how some judge ruled that the phrase "under God" was unconsititional. That thread is now seven pages long and ties in with an alarming trend in my Arab history class.
Apologizing for being in power, for getting to set the standard and write the history. When did that start happening, exactly? While I completely understand that the west has imposed its culture on the world and a large part of the world doesn't like it...what am I sorry for? Yes--Westerners colonized and imperialized the world. Yes, missionaries clubbed native religions over the head. Yes, gold and jewels and oil were exported while gifts of disease and democracy and McDonalds were left behind. This has been going on for centuries--it's not a new phenomena.
Look, someone has to be in power, and absolutle power corrupts absolutely. Asking perfection and political correctness from a world power is a lot like pissing in the wind. It's not that I don't understand all the moaning and groaning over the mistakes and mistreatments--I do! But where did the understanding that "to the victor go the spoils" get dropped? I think you can understand the swings and balance of power without taking it personally. You can not like the president or parts of your past, or even the wording of the Pledge or the Declaration of Independence or your hundred dollar bill, but if 'someone' has to be in power, in the end evaluation, don't you want it to be the country you live in, or the civilization you're a part of? What am I missing? Fill me in!
Then Selatius wrote a GREAT answer (as did others). So it was posted.
You guys from last night, here's her reply to the great answer by Selatius: