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Its the record stupid! His drinking is no longer an issue.

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Democrats_win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 11:12 PM
Original message
Its the record stupid! His drinking is no longer an issue.
We knew about the DUI.

Nominating an incompetent crony for the important FEMA position--that's important!

Lying to America in order to get us to go to war--that's a crime against humanity!

Rising gas prices due to his negligence in protecting NO--and we now know that the blame is Deserved--that's criminal!

Abhu Ghraib--that's immoral and no one has been held responsible.

Missing OBL--bad leadership and letting America down.

Ignoring warnings about 9/11--negligent.

Ignoring global warning which is exacerbating the hurricanes--a crime against humanity.

Leaving our children this huge debt--that's immoral.

Bad decisions after the invasion of Iraq--costing American lives--is immoral.

The bush family acting like they're royalty--that's un-American.

Famous conservatives failing to support America at war and Now in New Orleans--that should never be forgotten.

His record speaks for him now. "bush: worst disaster in U.S. history"
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The Magistrate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 11:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. Things Like This Are Always An Issue, Sir
Political life is not as those to whom it is an over-riding interest imagine it, or wish it, to be. The great mass of people do not move by reasoned consideration, but by emotional attachment. A reformed alcoholic is an inspirational thing: a lapsed alcoholic is contemptible thing. What people have contempt for they cannot identify with, and will turn from in disgust. It does not matter, Sir, how the people are moved; it matters only that they are moved.

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longship Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 11:20 PM
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2. Don't forget this one.
Binge drinking while NOLA drowned. That goes beyond criminal. It shows *incapacity* to act as President and may trump all the rest as far as removing him from office.
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