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Major News Outlet Analysis:The Word "Terror"

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true_notes Donating Member (740 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 01:50 AM
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Major News Outlet Analysis:The Word "Terror"

On a recent rainy day, I decided to start a research project. This project is developing into something very disheartening and rather frightening to me. What I am uncovering is Physcological Operations being played on the people of America through the news they watch, not to mention regular broadcasting such as sitcoms, etc.

The area I am paying attention to in this report is the word, and variances of the word terror (terrorist,terrorist, etc.) This part of the report is important because it is proving slowly that the word terror is being "lumped" into genres where it doesn't belong. For example, it's pretty evident that a thief or an insurgent aren't terrorists, but in the newspeak of today they are.

This is due in part to the MSM reporting the wrong words the wrong way. Anyway, here is the raw data. I recorded on paper how many times I heard or saw terror or variances of terror. This is shocking to me.

1.FOX News-Reported the word terror wrong 59 times in an hour.

2.MSNBC News-Reported the word terror wrong 32 times in one hour.

3.CNN News-Reported the word terror wrong 12 times in one hour.

4.CNN International-Reported the word terror wrong 9 times in one hour.

5.PBS-Reported the word terror wrong 1 time in 30 minutes.

As you can see the top two were a shot's distance from the rest, but according to the recent stats, 52% gather their news from NBC and FOX's news outlets.

It's out of control.
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Maple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 02:07 AM
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1. From the beginning
they have dragged every group in the world that's fighting something into a 'terror' ring....when none of it has anything to do with 911.

The IRA, the Basques, Tamils, name it.

It has now come to stand for ANYONE who opposes their govt.

Guess where this leaves Americans who oppose Bush?

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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 02:08 AM
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2. terrorist=insurgent=liberal = someone I don't like = I wanted that parking

You should send this to David Brock at

Obviously Fox News has no shame, but the others shouldn't following the Bushies propaganda lead.
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KT2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 02:53 AM
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3. Next - scan the psy-opped
and track the word God.
I have found that listening to the callers on C-Span's Washington Journal is very revealing.
There are callers who are parroting what they are taking in from radio and print. No matter what the topic may be, you will hear the same phrases repeated over and over again.
ex., I stand with president Bush - he is the best president this country has ever had; he is a man of God; he loves God etc.

I truly believe brainwashing tactics have been used by this administration (Rove). For all the RW media outlets - they are always talking about the same thing on the same day - TV-radio-print-internet.
When logic fails - they invoke God.
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 03:52 AM
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4. desensitizing
At some point the word means nothing. What's the plan then?

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