Perhaps buses are not the best way to evacuate nursing home patients?
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Fri Sep-23-05 08:33 AM
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Perhaps buses are not the best way to evacuate nursing home patients? |
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 08:34 AM by NNN0LHI
Seems to me ambulances would be more appropriate for elderly people with oxygen tanks? Busses must be a lot cheaper to use though.
Horse with no Name
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Fri Sep-23-05 08:41 AM
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There isn't a good way to do this. The ambulances have to be used for critical patients. Perhaps using reputable bus lines would be a better method--many ambulatory patients are oxygen dependent and their cars don't catch on fire. My guess is that this bus wasn't one you would "normally" choose and if you start digging there are probably some safety violations (like the bus line that took the kids to camp and wrecked in Terrell, killing and injuring all of these kids). There needs to be a set of standards from FEMA for the buses that they use.(laughing cause we know it isn't going to happen.) We had a bus full of elderly evacuees from Galveston hit here yesterday. They made it just fine.
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Fri Sep-23-05 08:45 AM
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lit up a butt on that bus???
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:41 PM
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