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A new smart-ass reason for immediate withdrawal from Iraq

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The_Mule Donating Member (264 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 10:40 AM
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A new smart-ass reason for immediate withdrawal from Iraq
We were told constantly between Sept 11, 2001 and March, 2003 that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. On several different occasions, several Bush administration officials, including Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, and Rumsfeld gave numerous chilling comments to the press about the dangers of the weapons Iraq had. We were told of biological weapons capabilities, including Anthrax. We were told of Iraq having chemical weapons capability. And most chilling of all was that Iraq was very soon to obtain nuclear weapons capability. We could not, as several administration officials said, wait for the smoking gun to be in the form of a mushroom cloud, invoking the deep duck-and-cover fears of the cold war generation.

And so, the US and a handful of other countries invaded Iraq to take down Saddam's naughty regime and destroy his weapons of mass destruction before they could be used for their ultimate evil purpose. Well, we did take down the Baath regime. And then, we started our search for the deadly weapons. Surprisingly, we have not yet found them these two years running.

We know those weapons have to be there. So many of our top officials could not all get together and lie about something that serious. After all, it's their job to protect Americans. They would not want to cause needless panic in the American citizenry without very good cause. They would not send our brave fighting men and women into preemptive war unless they were sure the weapons were there and pointed at the US and our allies.

So, I'm thinking that Saddam and his buddies must have hid those weapons very well, indeed. That's a really, really scary thought, isn't it? Because now we have a large concentration of our armed forces are RIGHT NEXT TO THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! They could *all* be wiped out with a single attack of Anthrax or Sarin gas. It would be a massacre.

So, I say we need to get the fuck out of there NOW! Saddam's obviously too clever for us to hide those weapons so well. It's too dangerous for our armed forces to be so exposed. We need to get them out to protect them. After all, we don't want our exit from Iraq to be in the form of a mushroom cloud.

I'm obviously just having some fun here, but I would seriously like a WH reporter to ask the question "Should the troops be concentrated together in Iraq in such close proximity to Saddam's weapons of mass destruction?" That can only be answered in two ways. The first is to admit there never were any weapons and the administration lied and created a needless panic among the American people. The other is to try to keep going along with the lie about weapons of mass destruction, which opens up questions of competence and foolhardiness to put so many of our troops in such a compromising position. Don't they support the troops?
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BR_Parkway Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 10:56 AM
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1. Ya gotta love a genuine smart ass. I'd pay for someone to ask that
question during one of his scripted photo ops. He'd be sputtering and stammering all the way out the door.
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XemaSab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 11:00 AM
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2. Good call
In reference to Post #1, I can think of half a dozen questions to ask that would send him "sputtering and stammering" out the door, and another half dozen that would send him running for the door crying with his hands over his ass.

Good times. :)
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The_Mule Donating Member (264 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 11:20 AM
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3. Bianca?
I'm sorry, I thought Bianca was going to reply to this.
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