Barbara Bush's comments on being stranded on the Gulf Freeway
Horse with no Name
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Fri Sep-23-05 11:50 AM
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Barbara Bush's comments on being stranded on the Gulf Freeway |
"Parking in Houston is sometimes a bit pricey, and with all that free parking they are getting...well I understand (chuckles) that it is working out well for these folks."
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Fri Sep-23-05 11:51 AM
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Fri Sep-23-05 11:53 AM
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Fri Sep-23-05 11:59 AM
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3. You know , I'm beginning to think it is Barbara |
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 12:01 PM by Reciprocity
Barbara not W who was born with a silver foot in his mouth." (~ Ann Richards)
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Fri Sep-23-05 12:06 PM
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4. So, where is the old Battle Axe? |
Doesn't she and Poopy live in Houston? Where did they go?
Did they have to sit in line, along with everybody else that was clearing out. (fat chance)
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Fri Sep-23-05 12:10 PM
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5. Somewhere far from the media, I'm sure. |
They're not going to risk her opening her stupid mouth in front of reporters again. Especially since the honeymoon is mostly over between the Bushies and the media.
I say bring her out. Let her be the spokesperson for the whole family.
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Fri Sep-23-05 12:26 PM
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6. Come on! You think Barbara Bush ever looks at the price tag on anything? |
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 12:27 PM by MadAsHellNewYorker
and like she actually parks anywhere herself? lol
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:54 PM
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