Contrary to what house democrats probably think right now about these malinformed bloggers. I actually think most of them are right on with just about...everything. What these cooped up in a bubble politicians don't really realize I think is how prominent a tool the internet is for the public except of course Howard Dean. Hell ask some of the general population that isn't really aware of the growing power of the net. The other day after spreading some of the forthcoming storm in Washington DC to my sister. She asked how I was getting all of this information and was it reliable. Of course I replied that I've been researching on the net. "What that place where imaginary meetings go on between people?" That's about the best paraphrasing I can manage at this point. I wonder how much of the general population is echoed by this statement.People unaware of how the internet has really changed everything.
For the rest of the population that is on-line and not only aware; but taking full advantage of the possibilities that the internet provides us, what bloggers in my opinion are doing. In a sense to me they are capturing the mood of the population at this point. The mood is obviously ENOUGH. Enough with the corruption we are seeing at high levels. Enough rampant poverty in our nation. Enough war. They are giving a voice to this feeling in the general population and even to those who feel in their gut something is wrong but they can't put their finger on it exactly. These are our muck-rackers.We've seen this all happen before in the pre-trustbusting era in the late 1800's. I hope to see another trust busting era follow.
If things continue on the course they are reform will be second to revolution as I see it. In this situation I make my case they are pamphleteers. In the period floowong up to the American revution what really got the populace behind the movement wasn't just the treasonous acts to their liberties. This unfortunately isn't enough to wake up the masses. It was the pamphleterrs that motivated the people. It was Thomas Paine's "Common Sense", James Otis' "Rights of the British Colonies", John Dickinson's "Farmer's Letters" and others. These are important because not only are they presenting cold facts. They are making an emotional appeal. Human beings by my opinion are emotional creatures. It's what drives us in our daily endeavors. It's the core of our spirits. An emotional appeal is the most powerful one. I believe these bloggers are doing this ina way that has never reached the masses before and it's making a stream of conciousness into a river and soon and torrential flood which will break down all the walls of facism that are attempted to be errected now.
So beltway Democrats while you scoff now at the internet and it's bloggers. Keep in mind when the time comes and you are ina postion to do your elected duties in taking down this heinous regime Keep in mind who propped you up. Worse yet, Look behind your back for another offical that is truely speaking for the people.