I'm sorry to hear that he lost 35 of his friends. A couple of days ago we had a similar talk about Haiti. It is a forgotten war as well. There are undoubtly many more conflicts which have been neglected and forgotten.
Afghanistan is far away. We can't relate to that country. It might as well be on a different planet. Don't blame the rest for overlooking it, because more than 300 are going to die in the next day in Texas and people's hearts are with them, because they can relate to them.
A lot of soldiers will return with PTSD, because a war is not just physical it is messing up your mind as well. Just like we are being messed by just observing it in the forms of letters, they are getting the full dose by images. Remember the people of Afghanistan as well. Sure it was a chaotic country.
Sure you wouldn't like to be there, but also remember that during the 60s and 70s it was known as a very friendly country and the visitors were greeted with open arms. That was before the wars started to destroy it and polarized the people and the religion. The last 25 years the country has been hell on earth. And only because some politicians in countries far away wanted to play a proxy war...
This quote is for Bush, since he calls himself a Christian:
"Because you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
- Matthew 25:40