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What's Hurricane Czar Rove up to today? He's raising $ for the GOP in ND!

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BurtWorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 04:02 PM
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What's Hurricane Czar Rove up to today? He's raising $ for the GOP in ND!

Friday, September 23, 2005
Rove and Rita still on schedule

While Rita is threatening to unleash her fury and devastate more communities as soon as Saturday, Rove - the point person on hurricane response - is still planning to show up in ND for a political fundraiser this weekend. Even though some say that since the win of the '04 election, Rove has shown no sign of ever putting policy goals above political ones, it seems that he is now.

It's been reported that Rove has been under fire since he took off to Aspen, Colo., last week to attend a "conference of wealthy folks." But that doesn't stop this politico: just about when Hurricane Rita will be blasting Galveston, Tex., he will be safe and sound in a fancy restaurant in Fargo - fundraising for the ND GOP.

Even Senator Lautenberg is getting fired up on Rove's decision to NOT cancel this weekend's ND GOP fundraiser despite the looming threat of Rita.

Lautenberg today sent a letter to Bush asking him why Rove – the “point person” for the hurricane response - feels it is ok to leave his post - on the day the hurricane is expected to hit - to fundraise in ND.
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MichiganVote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 04:10 PM
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1. Its the Republican priority- money before the American people
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karlrschneider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 04:12 PM
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2. Fargo isn't immune to tornados.
Just sayin'...
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MissWaverly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 04:16 PM
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3. what was that joke on Letterman
what is the difference between

a disaster, a catastrophe and a disastrophe

okay, so the administration, put in someone with no experience
to head FEMA, okay, it goes badly, but they are REALLY SORRY!

Still there's over 1000 dead and hundreds missing that are really
not dead, just sort of missing

So now Karl Rove is going to be the point person for New Orleans,
remember the administration is REALLY SORRY, so now there's a second
disastrous hurricane hitting New Orleans, and Rove is fund raising
up in North Dakota ignoring the whole gosh ***** thing. But, I
bet you missed the really sorry part.
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