It's official -- an edited version of "Grace at Camp Casey" will start airing on Current TV this wkend!!!
It will be one of many, very short pieces they broadcast in a rotation, so you may have more than one chance to see it.
If you want to see the video on Current, to find out when it will be on, go to Current TV's "full schedule" at . If you don't see the video on that page, scroll to the bottom and click through to the next page. They said it might start as early as tonite, but I just checked and I don't see it before the last page in the schedule, which ends at 10:56 pm tonite (Fri.), so probably not 'til some time after that.
I'm not sure if it'll even have the same title we gave it, but if you see anything relating to "Camp Casey", that's probably it.
You can also still see the last version we submitted to them (i.e., our 9-minute version) on the Current website, at .
Thanks again to everyone for moral support etc.!