ain't shit. A man who worked on the farm I grew-up on molested my oldest sister when she was 5 or 6. She told my mother about him lifting her dress and busted out baswlin as she told about thim removing her underpants.
It has been related down to me by my oldest brother and my victim sister how my mother went into his room(room and board situation)and threw out all his stuff. She then when in search of him. Found him by the barn and flailed on him until he was headed up the driveway.
He was a hoss too. Hard from working the farm. My daddy was 5'6", was shot down twice in ww2, missing in action for six months after the bataan death march, strafed by Japanese planes while beening resused. Got disability for shrapnel wounds.
All the men, Marines, Sailors, Army and Army Air Corp(Pop was Army Air Corp, tail gunner). When they were released to load the baot or home the officer would calll out your name and points acummulated in combat. Those with the higest numbers loaded first and so on.
When he came to my pop he looked at his paper, back at my skinny(all bataan surviviors had trouble with lost weight)father, back at his list and finnally he halted the line getting on the boat and said, "son get on the damned boat".
My father fought in every major engagement except one during his time in the Army Air Corp.
It was unfortunate that the bastard who molested my sister didn't get away fast enough. My pop who had put on a few pounds was heading home from his job at Western Electric. He saw the bastard wlking up the road with his stuff and stopped.
He beat the crap out of him and then some. His only knowledge was that Ruby, my mother, had run him off. His face was scratched and bloodied. If he had known the full story I think my father would have killed the man out right.
When pop got home he was mad at my mother because she might have been hurt. I, we know that a grown man could beat-up even a young strong woman most of the time.
Circumstances do play a role. Mothers are evil bitches with no consern for their own safety when it comes to their childern. Emeint danger or impulsive reaction can create the meanest most ugly one hundred punds of fingernails and teeth that planet earth has ever seen.
Secondly a young man forced into war, serving as a tail gunner on countlesss misions. Wounded serval times, shoot down twice behind enemey lies, six months missing in action, hiding with Phillipino Gurrellas from the Japanese who beheaded his cammanding officer.
I guess my 5'6" on 155 pound father didn't get the memo about strong dumb jocks.
Life's experiences can create extra-ordinary people out of just plain folks. So can extra ordinary circumstances.
Beleive it or not, I was rasied in a Christian home and was marched to church Sundays, Sunday nights, and WEd. chior practice.
Facing a person whos wish is to harm you at any cost with no regard for themselve's can be intimidating. I think Arnold is a loud mouthed bully with people he thinks he can intimidate. Women caught off guard seem to be his specialty.
I doubt fondling someones wife would cause a scrinaro like I have told but Arnold is not bullet proof.