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New article: "Global Locusts (and the Republic) Trapped in Bush's Jar"

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stevietheman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 04:49 PM
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New article: "Global Locusts (and the Republic) Trapped in Bush's Jar"
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Atman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 05:12 PM
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1. Oh gawd.
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Alizaryn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 05:18 PM
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2. Great article, thanks for sharing it.
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stevietheman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 06:06 PM
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3. Excerpt
"The singularity draws closer. The storm is not merely brewing; it's chewing up American coastal real estate (not to mention U.S. economic fortunes) at an increasingly torrid pace. And the Great American Catharsis is sprouting mighty muscular legs ready-made to run the longest marathon in American history.

Meanwhile, the Bush administration gives the appearance of breezing happily forward on two tracks, working in tandem:

1. ignoring (or pretending to ignore) crises before they are realized or as they wreak havoc, and
2. frothing at the mouth to start a military action or funnel money to their cronies or apply right-wing formulas to 'fix' the problems resulting from the crises.

This dual track approach has been the administration's MO from the very beginning. But what makes this especially interesting now is that we are beholding a 'perfect storm' that involves so many elements outside the administration's control, Bush and his minions are tripping over themselves and inadvertently revealing their true, ugly nature. Even worse is that this administration and its economic and foreign policy parasites are steering the nation into what is increasingly looking like a deathtrap.

What we have today is an administration that is politically trapped, mostly by its own doing, into a pattern of action—including acute tendencies toward opaque government, cronyism, military misuse and out-of-control borrowing and spending—that seemingly worked well (at least for Republican Party politics) the first four and a half years. But after a summer of discontent over Iraq (mounting casualties, Downing Street Memo, Plamegate, Cindy Sheehan), capped by the Katrina disaster, what worked before and is still being pushed today by Bush and far-right stalwarts is looking extremely out of touch and counterproductive from almost any political perspective.

As the nation approaches a 'no way out' point, the global locusts, a conspicuous collection of neocons, global corporatists and other ultra-right-wing players, are trapped by an administration that can no longer effectively tow the road for them, let alone protect them from tax and other policy reversals to come. Bush will try to 'have his cake and eat it too' for a time, but current and approaching events are determined to tie his hands, if not present choices he sees as 'impossible' without taking wildly drastic actions that will assuredly bring the country to its knees."

(click here to read more)
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stevietheman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 11:46 PM
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4. Late-nite self-kick. n/t
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