Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 07:27 PM by rodeodance
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Bush Administration Threatens Pristine Roadless Forests Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 08:00:28 -0700 From: Jenny M., Care2 Environment & Animals Alerts <ecoalerts@care2.com>
To: xxxx
Dear xxxx,
Once again, the Bush Administration has launched an aggressive assault on America's natural heritage - this time attacking our last remaining wild forests. Earlier this year, the Administration released its final plan to completely overturn the Roadless Area Conservation Rule opening almost 60 million acres of pristine wild forest to logging, drilling, road building, and other destructive development.
We need your help to protect our western wild forests before the Administration auctions them off to the highest bidder. Click here to join thousands of Americans across the country in signing the Citizen's Petition to Protect Our Roadless Areas!
The Roadless Rule protects some of our nation's most treasured places - wild forests like the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, Colorado's Cherokee Park Roadless Area, and Duncan Canyon in California.
These unique forests not only provide unparalleled recreational opportunities, they are also a source of clean drinking water and habitats for many endangered species of plants and wildlife.
By overturning the Roadless Rule, the Bush Administration is ignoring the will of the American people, who overwhelmingly support full protection for the remaining roadless areas. Let the Administration know that we won't be ignored - sign our petition today!
Under the new policy, state governors that wish to protect roadless areas must complete a lengthy federal petition process with no guarantee that their requests will be approved. But our National Forests belong to all Americans, and their fate should not be decided by state officials and political appointees in Washington.
That's why we need your help to turn this dangerous policy around. Please join thousands of other Americans in signing the Citizen's Petition to Protect Our Roadless Areas today!
Once you've signed our petition, please forward this email to ten friends and ask them to sign the Citizen's Petition as well!
Jenny McKinley Care2 & ThePetitionSite Team