Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 09:14 PM by Prisoner_Number_Six
and gotten this evacuation job done. Cleanly, efficiently, and quickly.
Obviously, that time is long gone- the coastal interstates have suddenly been turned into parking lots full of sick, hungry, thirsty people, trying desperately to do the right thing- actually ORDERED out of the cities by faceless suits who claim to have it ALL under control.
The suits are liars and incompetent boobies.
Not only can they not account for the money already given to them for New Orleans (and surrounding areas) relief, but they've proven that they are unable to learn from history, even short term! They just do not get it. Those thousands of hot metal hulks parked en masse on the overworked highways are HUMAN BEINGS. And they're in trouble. The same trouble this entire nation seems to be in. The same trouble Iraq is in. The same trouble Gaza is in. The same trouble South Africa is in.
The same trouble the WORLD is in. All due to the gross incompetence of people who stand at the front of the crowd and yell "Follow me!" and then start running the in the exact wrong direction, stuffing their pockets with all the money being blindly flung at them by a grateful mass of unthinking sheep.
Perhaps it's time this empire fell. If we allow this charade to continue, we absolutely deserve whatever end comes about because of this Howdy Doody adventure.
Fire the suits. Arrest them. Prosecute them. Take their money, their homes, their lives. Make them pay for what they're doing. Make them suffer as those all around them are even now suffering.
Give them a shovel and make them bury the dead they will end up being directly responsible for.
It's time to put the grownups back in charge. If we don't do it now, it's never going to happen.