The Illuminati "Creative Chaos" being created so that people are so confused and terrified that they will accept a dictator.
Like the way Bush, sr. ordered the assassination of President Kennedy to maximize the national trauma. Skull and Bones:Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask - long article on Parascope and other sites on the Grand Chessboard strategy.
9/9/05 Officials Shooting Dogs in Louisiana ~
Please contact federal and state officials to protest.
The Latest News From the Gulf Coast and What You Can Do to Help
September 9, 2005, 12 p.m.: Officials Shooting Dogs in Louisiana—Feds Must Hear from You Today!
In the latest and most graphic display of our government's abandonment of animal-handling guidelines in disasters that were created with PETA's help years ago, some law enforcement agencies are now shooting dogs left stranded in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana.
Revolting video footage posted on the Web site of the Dallas Morning News shows officers shooting dogs. At least one of their victims survived the gunshots and was apparently left to die a slow, agonizing death amid debris from the storm.
Please view video here: Of course, shooting is not an approved, reasonable, or reliable method of animal control. In fact, The 2000 Report of the AVMA
Panel on Euthanasia—the veterinary medical authority on euthanasia—states, "unshot should not be used for routine euthanasia of animals in animal control situations." This dangerous method often fails to achieve instantaneous unconsciousness; animals can be injured by initial gunshots and suffer tremendously before dying, as seems to be happening in St. Bernard Parish. Gunshot is also categorized as an inhumane method of killing in The Humane Society of the United States' "General Statement Regarding Euthanasia Methods for Dogs and Cats."
This horror for animals, which is but the latest of many to be seen in Katrina's wake, underscores the urgent need for you to call on those in charge, today, to end immediately their callous policies toward animals suffering and to make the plight of animals affected by these disasters a part of planned investigations and hearings.