I'd lost track of the fact that this thread was a spinoff of an earlier thread (at
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x4859099 ) mentioned in the lead post here.
This repost may make our little side discussion here more intelligible:
NOLA: Thousands of years-vacant apts sit empty on dry land, while FEMA buys
thousands of mobile homes, 200,000 evacuees are scattered hundreds of miles away, and Dubya plans an "urban homesteading" fantasy that might help hundreds at most. Why doesn't FEMA just allow people whose NOLA homes have been destroyed to relocate to the vacant apartments?
http://www.thenation.com/doc/20051010/klein :
"Purging the Poor
October 10, 2005 issue (posted September 22, 2005)
... New Orleans is already displaying signs of a demographic shift so dramatic that some evacuees describe it as "ethnic cleansing." Before Mayor Ray Nagin called for a second evacuation, the people streaming back into dry areas were mostly white, while those with no homes to return to are overwhelmingly black. ... it's simple geography--a reflection of the fact that wealth in New Orleans buys altitude. That means that the driest areas are the whitest (the French Quarter is 90 percent white; the Garden District, 89 percent; Audubon, 86 percent; neighboring Jefferson Parish, where people were also allowed to return, 65 percent). ... in all the billions for reconstruction, there is no budget for transportation back from the far-flung shelters where those residents ended up. So even when resettlement is permitted, many may not be able to return.
... Drennen ... says the city now has an opportunity for "twenty-first-century thinking": Rather than rebuild ghettos, New Orleans should be resettled with "mixed income" housing, with rich and poor, black and white living side by side. What Drennen doesn't say is that this kind of urban integration could happen tomorrow, on a massive scale. Roughly 70,000 of New Orleans' poorest homeless evacuees could move back to the city alongside returning white homeowners, without a single new structure being built. ... With landlords preferring to board up apartments rather than lower rents, the French Quarter has been half-empty for years, with a vacancy rate of 37 percent.
The citywide numbers are staggering: In the areas that sustained only minor damage and are on the mayor's repopulation list, there are at least 11,600 empty apartments and houses. If Jefferson Parish is included, that number soars to 23,270. With three people in each unit, that means homes could be found for roughly 70,000 evacuees. With the number of permanently homeless city residents estimated at 200,000, that's a significant dent in the housing crisis. And it's doable. ... After passing an ordinance, cities could issue Section 8 certificates, covering rent until evacuees find jobs. ... Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, whose Houston district includes some 150,000 Katrina evacuees, ... plans to introduce legislation....
Malcolm Suber, a longtime New Orleans community activist, was shocked to learn that thousands of livable homes were sitting empty. "If there are empty houses in the city," he says, "then working-class and poor people should be able to live in them." According to Suber, taking over vacant units would do more than provide much-needed immediate shelter: It would move the poor back into the city, preventing the key decisions about its future--like whether to turn the Ninth Ward into marshland or how to rebuild Charity Hospital--from being made exclusively by those who can afford land on high ground. "We have the right to fully participate in the reconstruction of our city," Suber says. "And that can only happen if we are back inside." But he concedes that it will be a fight: The old-line families in Audubon and the Garden District may pay lip service to "mixed income" housing, "but the Bourbons uptown would have a conniption if a Section 8 tenant moved in next door" ... So far, the only plan for homeless residents to move back to New Orleans is Bush's bizarre Urban Homesteading Act. ... it barely touches the need: The Administration estimates that in New Orleans there is land for only 1,000 'homesteaders.'"