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Animal Rescuer needs AC Vehicle

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tblue37 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 08:43 AM
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Animal Rescuer needs AC Vehicle
Steve Gilliard posted this on his blog at :


Hello, my friend. I need your help again. My father just got back from rescuing animals in New Orleans for the past couple of weeks. He's a certified animal rescuer and involved with many different Animal Organizations like HART, DART, CERT, HSUS, and Best Friends. He's resting at home here in Florida for a few days and will be going back to New Orleans early next week.

Unfortunately, even with all of these great organizations volunteering their resources and time my father says they are still in dire need of some very important things. Most importantly, he is trying to get his hands on an AIR CONDITIONED Transport vehicle. They need these type of vehicles to put the rescued and often injured animals in. Some times, these animals have to be in cages in NON-Air Conditioned vehicles for hours at a time. Some do not make it because of this.

I was hoping that you could use your influence to get the word out amongst your friends, coworkers and clients. Maybe someone will have an appropriate vehicle to donate for a month or so.

Of course, if you are unable to help with that request, my Dad says that food and other types of animal supplies are always appreciated and needed.

My Dad says that recognition of sponsors will be displayed on all rescue equipment and will be mentioned when addressing the media.

This is something that people could maybe think about when wondering what might be done to help the abandoned animals. Perhaps many people contributing small amounts of money could help arrange such a vehicle.
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BQueen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 09:22 AM
Response to Original message
1. I did some thinking on this
since I have been considering going down to help out.

I thought that I could approach a local auto dealership to ask about getting a cheap rental on a hybrid SUV (van would be larger, but I don't think they make hybrid vans?)

I looked at the rental sites, but couldn't find anything on renting hybrids, and regular vans get such crappy gas mileage I thought that a hybrid would be the best way to go, so gas shortages are less of a problem (the SUVs get about 31-33 hwy)

Anyway, my thought was to try to find a car dealer who is an animal lover and get them to sponsor a vehicle (van or hybrid). If they are unwilling to write off the entire rental (if you have a non-profit way they could donate for a write-off, all the better), see if they would offer a reduced rate rental and would set up an account for people to make contributions (maybe throw in a tank of gas, and they could have a pic of all the furries and featheries they saved for their next ad or to put on their website).

I'll try to remember to go over and post this on Steve's site as well, but I thought these would be some good suggestions for anyone hoping to go down, help out, and bring some pets to their owners or to new fosters.

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justiceischeap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 09:39 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Great suggestion BQueen however
One thing to keep in mind is that the interiors of these vehicles will, more or less, be ruined. The smell is overwhelming, the muck is everywhere and getting someone to write off a vehicle from a dealership will be difficult I'm afraid.

When we went out in the field, we were in NOLA from roughly 9am until 6pm and the animals you pick up early sit there all day so air conditioning is very important. IMO, people without AC shouldn't be transporting these animals, period. Also, you need something the size of a large van because you have to carry food and large animal crates, because most of the animals left, that can be rescued, are larger animals, mainly pitbulls and rotti's.

I wish everyone luck with their rescue efforts. I was so sad yesterday when I heard the 9th Ward had flooded again because that area was just recently dewatered, so the animals that are still alive have been there for almost a month now and I fear many will have perished in this new round of flooding. We had National Guard telling us that there are many apartment buildings in that area where they could hear barking and they are not allowed to break into the houses to rescue animals--all they can do is tell animal rescue groups where they are.

It's an impossible situation.
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BQueen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 10:34 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thanks for the insights
makes sense for those going into the trenches.

Maybe find a cheap van that needs some work or just some new basics to buy (those can't be moving fast with gas prices being what they are), and try to get an animal lovin' dealership or mechanic to get it capable of the trips (and charge up the AC). maybe get them to donate labor if people donated the money for the parts.

Who knows, maybe some dealership has yer basic POS van sitting on it's cheapo lot that came in as a trade that they figure they'll never unload...

It's awful being so far away from the operations that going to help is a major enterprise (not that I want to trade tornadoes and flooding for hurricanes and flooding). I'm so frustrated by everything you describe and everything else I've seen/heard/read about all these poor abandoned animals.

I've been looking at the project starfish pics. There are no words.

Thanks for doing your part in NOLA, it can't have been easy. You have the respect and gratitude of this animal lover. :applause:
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