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Husband's LTTE & his RW pal's dumb response.

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troubleinwinter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 10:03 AM
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Husband's LTTE & his RW pal's dumb response.
My husband wrote this Letter To The Editor, and forwarded a copy to his Republican friend:


After reading Maureen Dowd's article of Sept. 21 regarding the administration's cronyism,(Message: I Can't), I am convinced the events in the Gulf of Misunderstanding are not a result of incompetence. The mid level bureaucrats at FEMA know how to do their jobs. We have, by now, all heard the stories: National Guard troops blocking access to volunteers with trucks and boats; FEMA officials turning away semi truck loads of food, water and ice and directing them to Tennessee and ordering first response firefighting professionals to Atlanta for sensitivity training and to hand out flyers; unknown federal officials cutting existing communications systems in New Orleans and surrounding parishes.

All the evidence points to these decisions coming from the White House. "Brownie" was the patsy, the ready for prime time fall guy willing to fall on his sword. I heard on Thursday that he is still being paid full salary by FEMA, over a week after his resignation. That's loyalty.

Obviously, Bush and Company can't order up a cat 4 hurricane, but they knew one was sure to come in the near future. Their response was to cut critical funding for levee and seawall improvement, guaranteeing flooding in the lowest lying neighborhoods in New Orleans. It may cost over $300 billion to "rebuild" these areas. It's going to be a great couple of years for loyal, contributing contractors.

What, you wonder, is their motivation? How about displacing the largest Democratic voting bloc in the South? 65 to 75% of the African American community in New Orleans and surrounding parishes were Democrats. Now they are spread out over 30 states as far away as Utah and Michigan. Does anybody really believe they will all get registered in their new locations?

When they get done demolishing 50,000 to 100,000 buildings deemed uninhabitable and get the eminent domain repossession completed, there will be hundreds of square miles ready for new development in great new "Enterprise Zones" and "Tax Free Redevelopment Districts", just as Rove planned it.

They overplayed their hand by waiting until the Friday after Katrina hit and probably didn't expect the public outcry and disgust due to waiting for Bush's photo-op to coincide with "4 million pounds of ice and 11,000 cots" for the "refugees". I truly believe they can't see the poor and needy, so this is not a surprise. These are the real results of idealogical based policy.

It is now time to reap the whirlwind.


Here is RW friend's response:


Do you think they actually blew up the levees to insure the flooding, that would be consistent with they rest of your analysis. Interestingly the left portrays that the right is only interested in making money. I would refer you the the multitude of of corporations, wealthy individuals, and there foreign counterparts that contribute campaign money to the democratic party and I am certain that they are not doing it for altruistic intention, and since they continue to give I have to assume that they are getting what they want


What I find so interesting about the response is that it addresses NONE of the comments in the LTTE! It first talks of blowing levees (not in the original letter... and accusatory of 'conspiracy theory' type thinking), then basically says "Democrats do it too" (campaign contributions). Huh? Nothing about the voting issue, nothing about eminent domain, etc. Can't these RWers even READ????!!!

(Oh, by the way.... this guy works for a big corporation that builds oil and gas pipelines, huge hotels and condo complexes, canals, mining operations, etc. Wonder if he expects to be transfered to N.O. any time soon?)

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Maccagirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 10:19 AM
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1. Your BTW says it all
Your husband's friend is living with blinkers on.
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troubleinwinter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 10:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. When one registers Republican.... they send out an instruction sheet on how to twist and ignore issues???
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gratuitous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 10:37 AM
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3. SOP for the GOP
Regardless of what is being said, simply attribute to your opponent whatever point you actually wanted them to say, then show how that's a bunch of hooey. The letter says nothing about blowing up the levees, but since that's the point that David wants to refute, that's the "fact" he makes up so he can call bullshit.

Then, because David doesn't want to address the point about the Democratic voter diaspora, he makes a totally irrelevant point about corporate campaign contributions. Of course, if he really wants to go down that road, perhaps he needs to consider the sudden good fortunes of Halliburton, Bechtel, and other politically well-connected corporations for which the incomprehensible Bush policies are such a benefit.

David is such a tool.
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