FAA Response to Hurricane Katrina
Operations Overview
Within less than 24 hours, employees and equipment were sent to the hurricane-stricken region and New Orleans airport was open for relief missions. Within less than 72 hours, all airports were open. Only New Orleans Lakefront Airport remains closed because of extensive water damage.
http://www.faa.gov/news/news_story.cfm?type=fact_sheet&year=2005&date=090905FAA Response to Hurricane Rita
FAA air traffic facilities in Houston and Beaumont-Port Arthur have been moving FEMA evacuation flights for several thousand people to other cities in Texas and to Ft. Smith, Arkansas over the past two days.
Early this morning, air traffic controllers from San Antonio relieved co-workers who have been working overtime at the Beaumont Air Traffic Control Tower to help the military evacuate citizens. The Beaumont Tower crew helped the military airlift 4,000 people out of danger, many of them sick and elderly. Despite having worked long hours, these employees initially refused to leave the tower, even though they had families and homes to evacuate. They agreed to step aside only when the San Antonio contingent arrived at 1 a.m.
In preparation for the hurricane, the FAA has set up a staging area in Austin, Texas to pre-deploy teams and equipment that may be needed after the storm. The teams will assess any damage to radars, navigational aids and FAA facilities as quickly and possible and will move in temporary or replacement equipment. The FAA’s Communications Support Team has also deployed its mobile van to Austin and is ready to deliver satellite phones to any facilities that need them.
http://www.faa.gov/news/news_story.cfm?type=fact_sheet&year=2005&date=092305From what I can tell, the FAA helped PREPARE for Hurricane Rita but only RESPONDED to Hurricane Katrina. And this is the really disturbing part:
"...The FAA’s Communications Support Team has also deployed its mobile van to Austin and is ready to deliver satellite phones to any facilities that need them."
(from the Rita Response link)
Why weren't satellite phones delivered to the area hit by Katrina???