Edited on Sat Sep-24-05 03:32 PM by Emit
I know I shouldn't do this, but I watched some of this shit on Faux News early yesterday and the day before--all week O'Liely has been having guests on to tell them how 'radical' Cindy Sheehan is and how 'anti-American' it is to support her (i.e., Donahue and Wes Clark).
Then, driving around yesterday, I switched to the AM rightwing crap--I know, I know, I should NEVER do that. Some asshole was filling in for Michael Savage (yack--scary dude) who had a caller on who said, "What we're witnessing with the successful evacuation in Texas is the difference between a working state and a welfare state..."
Oh, man. When I saw that little blue pick up with the W'04 bumper sticker pass me, I about pulled him over....I was so mad! (I take this personally because I have folks in NOLA who were very much effected by Katrina and Rita, and I also have folks in Houston who TRIED to evacuate and relayed a story to me that was incredible as far as the 'successful' evac---one friend drove 16 miles in 16 hours, was afraid she'd run out of gas and turned around and went home! Edited to add, she had two young children with her who were so hot when she got home, she put them in a cold shower for fear that they would suffer heat stroke...)
edited to use spell check