MSM burying and slanting protest coverage
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Sat Sep-24-05 03:06 PM
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MSM burying and slanting protest coverage |
The local AAR station carries "AP Radio Network News" at 30-minute intervals. Here's the story rundown at 1 PM PDT:
1. Hurricane Rita 2. Bush flies to Austin 3. Blackhawk helicopters going to areas affected by Rita. 4. Mayor Nagin says New orleans holding up well 5. Democratic radio response
ID: "This is AP Radio Network News" (some stations cut away here)
6. Washington DC has rally of "thousands" 7. World Bank meeting in DC 8. Cheney's surgery
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Sat Sep-24-05 03:09 PM
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Rita has eclipsed this. Most people know nothing about it. I have conducted my own little unofficial poll and no one even heard of a rally...and thanks to the MSM, they never will. Hell, I can't even find a mention on CNN....saw it on Cspan and then they switched to Blanco's news conference.
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Sat Sep-24-05 03:11 PM
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2. Sorry you expected more |
MSM has their orders from KKKarl Rove - Ignore us.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:12 PM
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