I was at a VERY small protest in So Cal. I couldn't go to the huge one in L.A., but I have found we small groups in So Cal have a tightly knit group, we all seem to be at the same events! Its like seeing family. We had lots of support from passers-by, it was great! We also had many, many older people 70-80's-ish. It was absolutely appalling to me to see mid 50's men drive past and give these older people the finger. I don't mind differences of opinion, but it seems to me that's almost like giving grandma the finger. It was great though, one woman, probably 75 yelled to a 20's young man and dad he should sign up and go if he supports bu$h so strongly. Only one person called us communists, so that wasn't bad. I would say very unscientifically of course, that even here in repug Orange County, support was about 90%. Also thought it was fantastic, one woman, at least 80, perfect grandma, came along and asked everyone what their email addie was. We have an untapped source of support with the oldsters. We need to figure out a way to get them involved here at DU. They have time, they like involvement and they HATE the way things are going and despise bu$h.