* "Meteorology Today With Infotrac: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment" By: C. Donald Ahrens
* "Meteorology for Scientists and Engineers: A Technical Companion Book to C. Donald Ahrens' Meteorology Today" By: Roland B. Stull
* "Workbook/Study Guide Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and the Environment" By: Donald D. Ahrens
* "An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology" By: James R. Holton
Includes lots of MatLab and C++ scripts
* "Companion Software for "Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology""
* "Divine Wind: The History And Science Of Hurricanes" by Kerry Emanuel
Meteorology is not my bag (Boy Scout Merit badge many, many years ago - Coast Guard Officer Candidate School almost as long ago - plus "I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express") engineering and cs is my bag --
BUT I am convinced by the weight of the scientific, non-political, non-theological evidence that the increasing intensity of tropical storms is "most likely" due to "global warming" and the "global warming" is "most likely" due to human activity.