Sponsor Posts Odds on Bush Drinking Problem Claimed by National Enquirer
Sat Sep 24, 3:00 AM ET
Miami Beach, Fla. (PRWEB) September 24, 2005 --, the oldest established offshore sportsbook, has taken up on its dare to post "President Bush drinking odds." This after The National Enquire published its story of how President Bush reportedly has fallen off the wagon in wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Since tabloid stories often border a fine line between fact and fiction (with tabloids lying heavily on the "fiction" side), found it a perfect opportunity to place odds on Bush falling off the wagon.
Bush exposed for drinking alcohol during his presidency is featured with odds of 5 to 1. Compare that with 15 to 1 odds that Bush actually admits to drinking alcohol.
Bush checking into a rehab program is listed with 40 to 1 odds. Bush becoming a preacher is listed with 2 to 1 odds. Bush converting to Judaism is posted with 300 to 1 odds. Bush becoming a Muslim is posted with 500 to 1 odds. "Political wagers are among the most popular at," stated Payton O'Brien, Web Manager for Gambling911. "Anything Bush-related is going to draw hordes of gamblers. Interesting enough one of the few odds has chosen not to post is whether George W. gets impeached."
Bush becomes a spokesman for Viagra/Cialis is listed with 35 to 1 odds, incidentally.
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